Enabling Allow Duplication of Entries in Extra Payments and Deductions will be applied for all types of employees except Regular and Consultants For enabling this option, follow the below pathway- Pathway- Settings>payroll>extra settings
In the Extra settings, under the Benefits disclaimer you need to type the disclaimer and enable the Yes, please show Disclaimer while claiming Benefits Option.
Steps to follow-up 1.Login and switch to admin. 2.click on Payroll>Payroll Rules Engine 3.Click on Delete Extra payments. Later on, change the URL from extra payment to extra deductions. 4.Download the sample file and fill all ...
Steps1: - Go to compensation. Step2: - click on extra deductions/advances. Step3: - scroll down and click on” REPAY ADVANCE” Step4 :- fill the details related to each field and click on save Once saved this is how it will reflect in the employees ...